Expand &

“And the day came when the risk to remain
tight in a bud was more painful than the
risk it took to blossom”


Who Are we?

We are a Team of Professionals with vast experience in

Consumer Packaged Goods End to End Sales Distribution and Business Management
Financial Planning
Business to Business and Business to Consumer Sales and Marketing
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management
Research and Analysis
Experience of Setting up New Businesses / Sales Distribution / Market Expansion in 52 Countries

Skills We Provide

Help you to expand your product sales in new Countries and Territories Globally
Help you to expand your sales in existing Country/Territory
Help you to open up a Branch in a New Country – It’s due diligence and cost
Help you to study and prepare ROI of a new Initiative
Help you to innovate so you can expand into New Markets / Countries

Our Services


Sales Distribution and Business Development

From Consumer Packaged to Industrial Products and Services, we provide the following to our customers:

Launch of New and Relaunch of Existing Brand/Product/Services Portfolio
Team Hiring and Management for Business Development in New Countries
Hiring Distributors & Partners in New Markets
Current Market Business Potential Studies and Sales/Business Plan


Product Innovation

From Consumer Packaged to Industrial Products and Services, we provide the following to our customers:

Business Strategy
Product Innovation Study
Pricing Study
Sales Potential and Rationale
Long Term and Short Term Impact of Innovation
ROI Analysis and Projections
Regulation and Compliance Adherence for new Markets


Expansion of your Product into the New Markets, Countries , Territories!

With experience of opening new distribution channels and export of products in 52 Countries across the Globe, we are hands-on in providing you with End to End Cost Management and Analysis with options to enter into new markets
If you have any Consumer or Industrial Products that sells well in your current markets, we provide complete due diligence as to which markets your products can score big with Short and Long Term Sales Plans
We ensure that we provide you with ideas and a business model that suits your Consumers and Customers


Opening Up Your Branch Office or Setup New Companies in Other Countries!

Being able to access and deploy staff and resources in different countries, we also provide Complete Business Setup and Operations Services
We study your current business setup and objectives and provide options that best suits your immediate needs to enter the market without incurring monumental costs
We specialize and have expertise in UAE’s Freezones and have special offers for those companies hat want to Expand to gain business during Expo 2020

Ready to Join the venture of Expanding your business

Email: info@expaninno.com

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